Sunday, August 4, 2024

TCHAO PANTIN (1983) (Radiance Films Blu-ray Review)


Label: Radiance Films 
Region C
ode: A, B
Duration: 94 Minutes 16 Seconds 
Rating: Unrated 
Audio: French PCM 2.0 Dual-Mono with Optional English Subtitles 
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.66:1) 
Director: Claude Berri 
Cast: Claude Berri Coluche, Richard Anconina. Philippe Leotard, Agnes Soral

The French neo-noir revenger Tchao Pantin (aka So Long, Stooge) starts off with small-time drug dealer Bensoussan (Richard Anconina, Le Battant) ducking into a gas to evade some interested patrol cops, there he makes small talk with the night clerk Lambert (Coluche, Inspector Blunder). From this chance encounter the unlikely pair form an offbeat friendship with the drug-peddling Arab and the working-alcoholic Lambert regularly meeting during his night shifts at the gas station, each encouraging the other to give up their worse habits, neither giving in, but the friendship continues. We don't know a lot about Lambert initially, other than he's a middle-aged loner who drinks on the job at the gas station, but we do get a bit more of Bensoussan and his day to day activities, we see him peddling drugs, sending money to his mother and his awkward attempts to bed punk rocker Lola (Agnès Soral, Oui) who he attempts to impress with a stolen motorcycle. Things take a turn for the worse when someone steals Bensoussan's drug stash, and his unhappy supplier Mahmoud (Ahmed Ben Ismaël, The Sheltering Sky) sends some thugs to deal with the errant dealer, resulting in his death at the gas station. 

In the aftermath Lambert feels a responsibility to avenge the death of his only friend, which at first feels a bit odd, but as the film moves along we get some of Lamberts tragic backstory, explaining why he latched onto the young drug-dealer. His vengeance quest sees him teaming-up with Bensoussan;s would-be lover Lola, and coming to terms with his tragic past through vengeance. 

The neo-noir had a vibe that reminded me a bit of Michael Mann's early crime thrillers like Thief (1981), moodily shot by Bruno Nyutten (Possession), whose lensing capture the depressive, rain-soaked neo-noir vibe, which is enhanced by a truly killer score by Charlélie Couture that just sets a mood that I found intoxicating. On top of that Coluche and Anconina are stellar in the lead roles, especially Coluche who was a known comedic actor at the time, but you wouldn't guess that by watching his layered dramatic turn here, he's really quite stellar - perhaps fueled by some personal tragedies surrounding him at the time that I have read about, whatever the case may be, it translates into an enthralling tale of friendship and revenge. 

Audio/Video: Tchao Pantin (1983) makes it's worldwide Blu-ray debut courtesy of Radiance Films, presented in 1080p HD framed in 1.66:1 widescreen, sourced from a 4K restoration of the OCN performed by Pathé in 2014, and approved by cinematographer Bruno Nyutten. It looks nicely filmic with an abundance of film grain and texture to it, colors are strong throughout, black levels are pleasing and there's nary a blemish. Audio comes by way of French PCM 2.0 dual-mono with optional English subtitles, dialogue sounds wonderful, as do the sounds of the Parisian street life and occasional moments of violence. The score by Charlélie Couture also sounds fantastic. 

Disc extras include the 51-min Once Upon a Time… Tchao Pantin from 2003, a documentary on the film featuring interviews with writer-director Claude Berri, novelist Alain Page, stars Richard Anconina, Mahmoud Zemmouri, Agnés Soral, cinematographer Bruno Nyutten and others; plus the 7-min Michael Abecassis on Tchao Pantin, and a 90-second Trailer

The single-disc release arrives in a clear full-height Scanavo packaging with a Reversible Sleeve of Artwork featuring both original and newly commissioned artwork by Filippo Di Battista. We also get Radiance's nifty Removable OBI Strip which leaving packaging free of certificates and markings if you so wish. Inside is a 24-Page Illustrated Booklet featuring new writing by Manuela Lazic, as well as notes about the cast, crew, transfer, and release credits. 

Special Features: 
- 4K restoration by Pathé approved by cinematographer Bruno Nyutten
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Once Upon a Time… Tchao Pantin: A documentary on the film featuring interviews with writer-director Claude Berri, novelist Alain Page, stars Richard Anconina, Mahmoud Zemmouri, Agnés Soral, cinematographer Bruno Nyutten and others (2003) (51 Minutes 43 Seconds)
- Michael Abecassis on Tchao Pantin (7:27)
- Trailer (1:30) 
- Newly improved English subtitle translation
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Filippo Di Battista
- Limited Edition 24-Page Illustrated Booklet featuring new writing by Manuela Lazic

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