After working on various film projects, they decided to do something completely different and entered the realm of hand-drawn animation. With a mutual love of the horror and science fiction genres (and some twisted senses of humor) the result was the web series Infinite Santa 8000. The web series tells the story of Santa in the year 8000, a time of mutants and nuclear destruction. Santa is now a cyborg and has to fight to stay alive, as well as keep the spirit of Christmas going in a world without hope, filled with a wasteland of monsters.
The web series garnered a following and spawned a feature-length movie released via Midnight Releasing in 2013, surprising many with just how much heart could be hidden under layers of blood and goo Ain't it Cool News said, “While ‘Infinite Santa 8000’ is a very bloody and gory film, I was surprised that it actually has a pretty pure and charming story.”
This year Michael and Greg revisited the world of Infinite Santa 8000 to share with fans and fellow artists how the series came to be. They've created behind the scenes videos, actor interviews, tutorials, and new content such as the Big Bunny Trapped In Time series, which follows a giant Bunny from the Infinite Santa 8000 Movie as he spirals through time causing havoc.
Michael and Greg hope to return to the world of their cyborg Santa to create new adventures for him. In the meantime, they are helping teach others how to create their own adventures. Check out the first series of the Infinite Santa 8000 universe on the series YouTube page as well as well as the tutorials and behind the scenes exclusive videos.
The Infinite Santa 8000 Youtube Channel:
The Infinite Santa 8000 website: