Label: Olive Films
Region Code: 1 NTSC
Rating: PG
Duration: 99 Minutes
Audio: English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono it Optional English Subtitles
Video: Anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Don Taylor
Cast: Burt Lancaster, Michael York, Nigel Davenport, Barbara Carrera, Richard Basehart, Nick Cravat, The Great John L., Bob Ozman, Fumio Demura, Gary Baxley, John Gillespie, David S. Cass Sr.
I very distinctly remember sitting on the floor watching this on TV when I was a kid in the late-70's, I was enthralled by the mad-scientist on an island creating human-animal hybrids - these animal men were horrifying to me, the idea of an animal being transformed into a man-animal hybrid horrified me for some reason, it seemed unnatural, and the movie gave me nightmares for days afterwards. Now, it's been a few good years since I last revisited this incarnation of the classic H.G. Wells story, so let's jump right in and see if nostalgia perseveres today, or is it all youthful movie lust that has faded with time.

While staying on the island Braddock doesn't get a lot of answers from Moreau's right hand man Montgomery, he always refers Braddock to speak to Moreau, so his suspicions are raised. Braddock and a gorgeous servant girl, Maria (Barbara Carrera, Never Say Never Again), the only woman on the island, form a relationship and soon sparks begin to fly between the two, but when Braddock discovers that Moreau is performing advanced evolutionary experiments using his own 'genetic serum', he decides he needs to get off the island, and he's going to take Maria with him.

Watching it now I can appreciate the Planet of the Apes styled make-up effects employed to create the manimals, but they are a bit dated, very rubber-faced. I incorrectly remembered some tasty transformation scenes in this movie, but that never happens, we don't get any An American Werewolf in London or Holwingstyled transformation scenes, these were imaginations created by my young mind I guess, but we do get a very minor make-up transformation with the character of Braddock, who when it is discovered he means to escape the island Moreau injects with his serum, and he begins to go feral.

Audio/Video: The Island of Dr. Moreau arrives on DVD from Olive Films framed in anamorphic widescreen (1.85:1) looking solid, a definite step-up from the now ancient 2001 DVD that was part of MGM's Midnite Movies series. Not sure what the source for Olive's standard definition release is but it's a marked improvement over the Midnite release, though probably not as spiffy as Kino Lorber's recent Blu-ray release, but apparently Kino got the Blu-ray rights and Olive snatched up the DVD rights this time around. Colors and skin tones are warmer, details are more crisp and defined, though the image is still soft in certain scenes, but it is a vast improvement over the 2001 DVD as evidenced by the screenshots below comparing the two. I am seeing some differences in the framing with the Olive at times losing image on the perimeters but also seeing that reversed where the Olive looks to have more edge information, too. The MGM looks vertically stretched to my eyes as well.
BOTTOM: MGM (2001)
Audio on the disc is English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono and it's well-balanced and clean, the brassy Laurence Rosenthal score comes through a little strong at times but I didn't mind, optional English subtitles are provided.

Special Features:
- New Audio Commentary with paranormal author Jeff Belanger and horror-host Dr. Dreck
- Eight-page booklet with “The Island of Doctor Moreau as Theological Grotesque” essay by Gorman Beauchamp
- Trailer (2 min) 16x9
I have to say that The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977) didn't live up to my childhood viewing, but to be fair though it is very rare that any movie does, that said I put this is my least favorite of the adaptations, coming in third after the crazy '96 version, with Island of Lost Souls still winning the day with it's subversive pre-code weirdness. As it is this is a fun 70s entry with some good visuals, some animal on man action and an attractive island setting, and would make a fun Saturday watch with the kids, but it's lost some of it's charm for me through the years as I've aged and discovered the amazing '32 version, but this is still a fun curiosity from the 70s.