A DARK SONG (2016)
Label: IFC Midnight/Scream Factory
release Date: September 5th 2017
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 100 Minutes
Audio: English DTS-HD M A2.0, 5.1 with Optional English Subtitles
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (2.40:1)
Director: Liam Gavin
Cast: Mark Huberman, Steve Oram, Catherine Walker, Susan Loughnane
I do love a good satanic film with a slow-burning fuse, and this one boils down to two people alone in a house with some heavy occult elements mixed in with personal tragedy, a desire for revenge and the willingness to do just about anything to have it, even debasing oneself to obtain a favor from the other side.

The two do not make for great housemates, Sophia seems distrustful of Joseph's abilities to perform the ritual effectively, and for his part Joseph is a grade-a asshole from start to finish, rudely and abruptly commanding Sophia to do all sorts of odd things, add to that the fact that the damned ritual might take upwards of a year to perform! The set about on their way, forming a circle around the home which cannot be crossed, lest they be damned for eternity, there's a lot of tense interactions with the pair as they prepare Sophia's body in various ways for the ritual, purifying her, and cover the rooms of house with spooky occult runes.

In the third act the movie tears down the doors of perception and we're immersed in a world of dark, otherworldly visuals, none of it too frightening for my tastes, in fact, when everything went all haunted-house I didn't lose interest, but I felt it didn't deliver the goods either as set-up by what came before it, it started feeling a bit too familiar, that sort of stuff has been done nearly to death.

Audio/Video: A Dark Song (2016) arrives on Blu-ray from IFC Midnight and Scream Factory framed in the original widescreen aspect ratio (2.40:1) in 1080P HD - looking very nice. Colors are muted throughout by design but look nicely detailed and fairly crisp, black levels are very strong with nice shadow detail, and this movie is largely cloaked in darkness, and it hold up t scrutiny. Audio options on the disc comes by way an English language DTS-HD MA 2.0 stereo and 5.1 surround track - the audio is crisp and vibrant, this one has a great creepy score and some effective use of the surrounds that make the whole experience that much more entrancing. Optional English subtitles are provided.

Special Features:
- Interviews With Director Liam Gavin (4 min) HD
- Interviews With Actor Steve Oram (7 min) HD
- Interviews With Actor Catherine Walker (9 min) HD
- Interviews With Director Of - Photography Cathal Watters (7 min) HD
- Deleted Scenes (10 min) HD
- Storyboards (14 min) HD
- Theatrical Trailer (2 min) HD
A Dark Song (2016) is a compelling, character driven descent into the occult, the two solid leads who work well with and against each other, and I loved the drawn-out representation of the dark ritual. If you can enjoy a good, thoughtful satanic slow-burn that doesn't descend immediately into a bloodbath of spooks and demons you might have a taste for this one, give it a watch.