24-Film, 15-Disc Blu-ray Box Set
Severin's latest box set odyssey is the 24-film, 13-disc Blu-ray + 2-disc CD set The Sensual World of Black Emanuelle, a massive compendium of softcore sex film films starring the exquisite Indonesian actress Laura Gemser, most frequently in collaboration with writer/director Joe D’Amato, as well as Bruno Mattei and others. This set is an astonishing tribute to Black Emanuelle with largely new scans of the films, as well as over 40 hours of deep-diving extras that include alternate versions, audio commentaries, video essays, a documentary on Gemser’s husband/co-star Gabriele Tinti, the ‘80s Gemser workout video Looking Good, and loads more, including 2 CD of rare soundtrack music from the flicks.
We're tackling the set one film at a time, and this week we're exploring Emanuelle In Prison (1983) aka Women's Prison Massacre which shares a disc with Violence In A Women's Prison.
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 88 Minutes 24 Seconds
Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 Dual-Mono with Optional English Subtitles
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Bruno Mattei
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinit, Ursula Flores, Maria Romano, Antonella Giacomini, Raul Cabrera, Pierangelo Pozzato
Italian schlock/hack director Bruno Mattei's aptly titled women-in-prison movie Emanuelle In Prison (1983) aka Women's Prison Massacre is the final entry in the Black Emanuelle movies starring Indonesian sex-kitten Laura Gemser, this time out playing a nosey investigative reporter framed for drug possession by a corrupt politician. Inside the big house she makes enemies of the tight-bunned prison warden (Lorraine de Selle, Cannibal Ferox) and a violent, pale-skinned prisoner named Albina, who is played with campy over-the-top delight by actress Ursula Flores (Violence In A Women's Prison). Mattei plays up the depraved WIP tropes we've come to expect from the genre to the hilt with plenty of nudity and sex, a knife fight and some awesome trashy dialogue, with one prisoner threatening to bite off Albina's nipples!
Throw into the mix four male death row inmates who invade the women's prison and you have all the makings of a trashy and fun WIP classic. The death row inmates are lead by Crazy Boy Henderson (Gabriel Tinti, Mario Bava's Lisa and the Devil), they take the women hostage, and have their way with them for a short time before the tables are turned. These guys don't seem to realize just how bloodthirsty these women prisoners are, with one distraught woman going so far as to place a razor blade in her vagina which leads to a bloody cock-shredding sex-scene topped off with some strangulation.
Gesmer turns is a strong performance, she's always an attractive presence onscreen and with some decent acting chops. Ursula Flores makes for a wonderful villain as the campy bitch, a perfectly trashy performance with fun teeth-gritted English over-dubbing. Gabriel Tinti as Crazy Boy Henderson also makes for a menacing figure, a cut-throat scumbag capable of anything. There's a fun scene of Russian roulette as he eggs on one of the prisoner's to pull the trigger, which ends with his character with a mouthful of someone else's brains and blood, which cracked me up. I loved how everything about the movie is over-the-top, you cannot take any of it too seriously, it's played for camp and it worked for me.
While Mattei (Strike Commando 2) is mostly regarded as a hack director he absolutely knew how to make an entertaining movie and this WIP entry is no exception, it's fun stuff through and through. Women's Prison Massacre is also enhanced by a surprisingly fun synthesizer score from composer Luigi Ceccarelli (Rats: Night of Terror) which adds yet another dimension to the crazed depravity happening onscreen, Lovers of exploitation cinema are in for a treat with this one, a deliriously sleazy and warped women-in-prison movie from the master of Italian schlock.
Audio/Video: Women's Prison Massacre arrives on Blu-ray from Severin Fiolms in 1080p HD framed in 1.85:1 widescreen. previously issued on Blu-ray as a barebones release in 2015 I had difficulty distinguishing between the pair; sharing the same framing and color-grading. The image is a bit on the flat with what looks to to be some DNR, leaving facial features a bit on the waxy side. Audio is handled by an an English DTS-HD MA Dual-Mono 2.0 track, fidelity is good with no distortion, the Luigi Ceccarelli score sounds great, and there are optional English subtitles provided.
Where this is a massive upgrade over the barebones Scream Factory release is the extra department, we get lots of 'em! - Starting off with a new Audio Commentary With Author And Critic Annie Choi And Film Editor Perri Pivovar; the 39-min Jailhouse Rock – Interview With Composer Luigi Ceccarelli; the 14-min Razor Blade Smile – Interview With Actor Pietro Angelo Pozzato, the 17-min Franca Stoppi: Matron Of Hell – Video Essay Written And Narrated By Film Critic Rachael Nisbet, and a Trailer.
As WIP fare goes this is entertaining stuff with copious amounts of nudity, sex and rape and plenty of low-budget violence to keep you glued to the screen, and the dubbed dialogue is another value-added benefit with lines like "I'll put a stop to your arrogance, your haughty hotten tart!". If you're a fan of Bruno Mattei's brand of cheap exploitation cinema this is worth a watch, but it's not a great Black Emanuelle film, the production value is low, it has little style, and where stuck in the same location for the entirety of the flick.
Special Features:
- Audio Commentary With Author And Critic Annie Choi And Film Editor Perri Pivovar
- Jailhouse Rock – Interview With Composer Luigi Ceccarelli (39:03)
- Razor Blade Smile – Interview With Actor Pietro Angelo Pozzato (14:00)
- Franca Stoppi: Matron Of Hell – Video Essay Written And Narrated By Film Critic Rachael Nisbet (17:14)
- Trailer
This gorgeous set arrives with a sturdy Rigid Slipcase with a naughty view-finder type feature that is quite cool, very creative the folks over there at Severin. Inside is the DigiBook Packaging that houses the 15-discs (13 Blu-ray, 2 CD) that slip into the pocket sleeves. Each of the heavy cardstock pages feature eye-popping images of Gemser, as do the discs themselves which feature the same key artwork as the pages, Also tucked away inside is an incredibly dense 356-page The Black Emanuelle Bible: Designed by Luke Insect with a cover illustration by Kim Thompson, and edited by Kier-La Janisse. This fully illustrated book is easily the most in-depth and all-encompassing compendium of essays, reviews and archival interviews ever published about the Black Emanuel series - they should totally re-print this as a deluxe hardcover when this box set sells out - its gorgeous. We get new writings on the films from Kevin John Bozelka, Costas Constandinides, Rachel Harrison, Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, Kier-La Janisse, Jennifer Moorman, Xavier Aldana Reyes, Jorge Rivera-Gutiérrez and Erin Wiegand; plus additional capsule reviews by Bryan Connolly and Craig Ledbetter; and archival interviews with actress Laura Gemser and screenwriter Maria Pia Fusco.
The sheer amount of extras is staggering, over forty-hours worth! These include audio commentaries, XXX inserts, outtakes, new and archival interviews, a location tour, a Gemser workout video, video essays, alternate cuts, alternate credit sequences, and documentaries - it's truly a phenomenal set.
Screenshot Comparison:
Top: Scream Factory (2015)
Bottom: Severin Blu-ray (2023)
Complete Specs and Special Features for the Box Set detailed below:

15-Disc Blu-ray Box Set Extras + Specs
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 96 Minutes 49 Seconds
Audio: English or Italian Mono DTS-HD MA with Optional English Subtitles
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Bitto Albertini
Cast: Laura Gemser, Karin Schubert, Angelo Infanti, Isabelle Marchall, Gabriele Tinti, Don Powell, Venatino Venantini
- XXX Inserts (8 min)
- Audio Commentary With Film Programmer Jazmyne Moreno
- Exoticizing Blackness And Erotic Sovereignty In BLACK EMANUELLE – Interview With Adult Film Historian Mireille Miller-Young (33 min)
- I Am Your Black Queen – Audio Interview With Actress Laura Gemser (12 min)
- The Reluctant Icon – A Tribute To Laura Gemser By Film Historians Kier-La Janisse, Stephen Broomer And Manlio Gomarasca, With Animation By Leslie Supnet And Ashley Thorpe (20 min)
- Black Emanuelle’s Groove – Interview With Composer Nico Fidenco (14 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 91 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Bitto Albertini
Cast: Shulamith Lasri, Angelo Infanti, Don Powell, Percy Hogan, Danielle Ellison
- XXX Inserts
- Adalberto AKA Bitto – Interview With Film Historian Davide Pulici (36 min)
- Diva '70 – Interview With Dagmar Lassander (16 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 94 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Ely Galleani, Ivan Rassimov, Venantino Venantini, Glacomo Rossi Stewart, Debra Berger, Chris Avram, Koiki Mahoco
- Audio Commentary With Professor Of Film Aaron AuBuchon
- A Reflection Of The Times – Interview With Actress Debra Berger (7 min)
- Ivan The Terrible – Actor Ivan Rassimov Discusses EMANUELLE IN BANGKOK And EMANUELLE AROUND THE WORLD (8 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 100 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Roger Browne, Ricard Salvino, Lars Bloch, Paola Sentore
- Audio Commentary With Film Historian Kat Ellinger
- Archival Audio Commentary With Film Historians Bruce Holecheck And Nathaniel Thompson
- The Danish Man – Interview With Actor Lars Bloch (11 min)
- The Confessions Of Diana Smith – Interview With Actress Maria Piera Regoli (17 min)
- The Art Of Sexy & Gore – Interview With Art Director Marco Dentici (25 min)
- The Cutting Of The Flesh – Interview With FX Artist Giannetto De Rossi (11 min)
- The Devil’s Trick – Interview With Makeup Artist Maurizio Trani (9 min)
- The Journalist – Maria Pia Fusco And Piero Vivarelli On The Origins Of D’Amato’s Emanuelle (14 min)
- The Naked City: Emanuelle In New York – A Location Tour With Journalist Michael Gingold (26 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 102 Minutes (Unrated Cut)
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Ican Rassimov, Karin Schubert, Don Powell, George Eastman, Brigitte Petronio
- Around The World With Emanuelle – Interview With Film Historian Stephen Thrower (31 min)
-I’m Not A Guru – Interview With Actor Luigi Montefiori (14 min)
- The Beautiful One – Interview With Actor Gianni Macchia (14 min)
- A Tribute To Karin Schubert: The ‘Nackedei’ Actress – Video Essay By Kier-La Janisse And Stephen Broomer, Written By Jean-Luc Marret, Author Of Pornification: Vie De Karin Schubert (20 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 93 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Nieves Navarro, Donald O'Brien, Percy Hogan, Monica Zanchi, Annamaria Clement
- Audio Commentary By Film Historian Stephen Thrower
-The World Of Nico Fidenco – An Interview With Composer Nico Fidenco (27 min)
- A Nun Among The Cannibals – Interview With Actress Annamaria Clementi (23 min)
- Dr. O’Brien M.D. – Interview With Actor Donald O’Brien (19 min)
- From Switzerland To Mato Grosso – Interview With Actress Monica Zanchi (19 min)
- Dressed To Eat – Interview With Costume Designer Silvana Scandariato 19 min)
- Theatrical Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 88 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Brunoi Mattei
Cast: Laura Gemser, Marina Hedman, Ischi Digard, Nadine De Rangot
- Master Of The World – Interview With Co-Director Bruno Mattei (9 min)
- At The Dining Table – Interview With Producer Franco Gaudenzi (19 min)
- The Naked Eye: Sex And The Mondo Film – Documentary With Film Historians Elizabeth Purchell, Mark Goodall And Joe Rubin (44 min)
- English Opening Credit Sequence
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 88 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Bruno Matei
Cast: Laura Genser, Marina Hedman, Uschi Digard,
- Crazy, Crazy World – Interview With Makeup Artist Pietro Tenoglio (14 min)
- After Hours With Joe D’Amato – Interview With Director Joe D’Amato (13 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 93 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Giuseppe Varl
Cast: Laura Gemser, Monica Zanchi, Gabriele Tinti, Vinja Locatelli, Pia Velsi, Patrizia Sacchi
- Audio Commentary With Film Scholar Lindsay Hallam
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 88 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Ely Galleani, Gabriele Tinti, Venantino Venantini, Pierre Marfurt
- Audio Commentary With Film Programmer Lars Nilsen
- The Bohemian – Interview With Actor Venantino Venantini (11 min)
- Come In Un Film: La Vera Storia Di Gabriele (Gastone) Tinti 2016 Documentary By Riccardo Marchesini (51 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 98 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.78:1)
Director: Bruno Mattei
Cast: Laura Gemser, Ursula Flores, Gabriele Tinto, Maria Romano, Antonella Giacomini
- Archival Interview With Director Bruno Mattei (3 min)
- Brawl In Women’s Block – Interview With Writers Claudio Fragasso And Rossella Drudi (29 min)
- Two For One – Interview With Producer Roberto Di Girolamo (12 min)
- Radio Spot
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 88 Minutes
Audio: English Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Bruno Mattei
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinit, Ursula Flores, Maria Romano, Antonella Giacomini, Raul Cabrera, Pierangelo Pozzato
- Audio Commentary With Author And Critic Annie Choi And Film Editor Perri Pivovar
- Jailhouse Rock – Interview With Composer Luigi Ceccarelli (39 min)
- Razor Blade Smile – Interview With Actor Pietro Angelo Pozzato (14 min)
- Franca Stoppi: Matron Of Hell – Video Essay Written And Narrated By Film Critic Rachael Nisbet (17 min)
- Trailer
Disc 7: BLACK COBRA (1976) / BLACK VELVET (1976)
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 96 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Jack Palance, Gabriele Tinti, Michelle Starck, Zigi Zanger, Guido Marloff
- Audio Commentary With Film Critic Samm Deighan
- From Prague To Hong Kong – Interview With Actress Michele Starck (13 min)
- Joe D’Amato At Eurofest (12 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 96 Minutes
Audio: Partial English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (2.35:1)
Director: Brunello Rondi
Cast: Laura Gemser, Annie Belle, Al Cliver, Gabriele Tinti, Feador Chaliapin Jr., Nieves Navarro, Tarek Al Nahry
- Black Velvet – Interviews With Stars Annie Belle And Al Cliver (19 min)
-The Roots Of Evil – Biographer Alberto Pezzotta On Director Brunello Rondi (18 min)
- A Relationship Of Confusion – Film Critic Joseph Fahim On VELLUTO NERO (18 min)
- English Opening Credit Sequence
- Italian Theatrical Trailer
- English Theatrical Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 97 Minutes
Audio: French Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Mark Shannon, Annj Goren, Ely Galleani, George Eastman, Dirce Funari, Lucia Ramirez
- Audio Commentary With Author Bryan Connolly And Film Programmer Amber Adams
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 103 Minutes
Audio: English Mono / Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Dirce Funari, Annj Gorren, Mark Shannon, Michelle Starck
- The Lovemaker – Interview With Actor Mark Shannon (11 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 99 mins (Divine) / 104 mins (Fanatico)
Audio: English Mono / French Mono (Divine Emanuelle Only)
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.66:1)
Director: Christian Anders
Cast: Laura Gemser, Christian Anders, Gabriele Tinti, Maximillian Wolters, Simone Brahmann
- Includes FANATICO...WHEN THE GODDESS CALLS (Workprint of Christian Anders' Director's Cut)
- Deleted Scenes
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 89 Minutes
Audio: English Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.66:1)
Director: Bruno Fontana
Cast: Angela Infanti, Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti. Giovanni Brusadori, Salvatore Lago
- Includes THE DIRTY SEVEN (Longer Alternate Cut Of The Film Under Its Original Title) (96 min)
- Violent Cyprus – Interview With Actor Giovanni Brusatori (22 min)
- Sunlight And Violence – Interview With Cinematographer Nino Celeste (16 min)
- Trailer
- LOOKING GOOD – Workout Video Hosted By Laura Gemser (58 mins)
- Audio Commentary With Film And Television Historian Amanda Reyes And Podcaster Erik Threlfall
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 84 Minutes
Audio: English & Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Pier Ludovico Pavani
Cast: Laura Gemser, Enzo Bottesini, Venantini Venatini, Ugo Cardena, Olga Bisera, Lorenzi Plani
- The Seductress - Audio Interview with Actress Olga Bisera
- English Opening Credit Sequence
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 87 Minutes
Audio: English or Spanish Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Jose Maria Forque
Cast: Laura Gemser, Stuart Whitman, Pilar Velazquez, Francisco Algora, Gabriele Tinti
- None
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: Region-Free
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 87 Minutes
Audio: English Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (2.35:1)
Director: Mario Bianchi
Cast: Ajita Wilson, Patrizia De Rossi, Agnes Kalpagos, Attilio Dotessio, Giovanni DE Angelis, Ivano Staccioll, Gianni Adamo
- Ajita Wilson: An Elusive Icon – Video Essay By Film And Gender Studies Scholar Matt Richardson (16 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: Region-Free
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 94 Minutes
Audio: English & Italian Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Ajita WIlson, Marina Hedman, Rick 'Ercalino' Martino, Aisha Mitrodin, Anja Engstrom
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 73 Minutes
Audio: Italian 2.0 Stereo and 5.1 with Optional English Subtitles
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.78:1)
Director: Manlio Gomarasca, Giona A. Nazzaro
- Introduction By Nicolas Winding Refn For Venice Film Festival Premiere (2 min)
- Two Of A Kind: Talking About Joe – Director Manlio Gomarasca And Giona A. Nazzaro (Artistic Director, Locarno Film Festival) In Conversation (30 min)
- Outtakes (37 min)
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: A
Rating: Unrated
Duration: 91 Minutes
Audio: English Mono
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.78:1)
Director: Joe D'Amato
Cast: Jenny Tamburi, Marino Mase, Sebastian Somma, Laura Gemser, Aldina Martano, Lilli Carati
- Scandalous Christina – Interview With Actress Jenny Tamburi (10 min)
- Peeping Lilli – Interview With Actress Lilli Carati (13 min)
1. "I'm a woman, do you mind?"
2. On Your Body (Vocal) (3:22)
3. "It's Like an incurable disease"
4. Thoughtless (2:36)
5. "Love is not enough"
6. "Emanuelle's Theme (2:41)
Emanuelle In Bangkok
7. 1. "Don't start getting sentimental"
8. Sweet's Variations (3:08)
9. "Just stick to taking pictures!"
10. Like a Sailing Ship (2:46)
11. "What Else has your hospitality to offer?"
12. Ping Pong Dance (2:29)
Emanuelle in America
13. "I've always managed to come back"
14. I Celebrate Myself (Vocal) (3:44)
15. "Who needs a dead lover?"
16. Virgin Sign" (1.29)
17. "Since she met that Pedro, she lost her head!"
18. Emanuelle in America, Sweet (3:16)
19. "She's a monster, but she's my girl"
20. Emanuelle in America Theme (2.57)
Emanuelle Around the World
21. "I only so that with people I like"
22. A Picture of Love (Version Contata) (3:16)
23. "The secret of the ultimate climax!"
24. My Boundless (3:51)
25. "Have you loved a lot of men?"
26. Eternal Anguish (2:13)
27. "I've got an angle on white slavery"
28. A Seeming Man (3:10)
Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals
29. "Just like a cannibal!"
30. Make Love on the Wing (2:56)
31. "You are provoking me, young lady"
32. Make Love on the Wing (3rd Version) (2:52)
33. "You can't possibly think I've been waiting for you all my life?"
34. Wild Nightmare (2:31)
35. "Amazonia is a land that lives according to its own rules"
36. The Dark Side of the Soul (2:33)
Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade
37. "Do you still go in for a lot of lovemaking?:
38. Run Cheetah Run (3:35)
39. :But in hard times..."
40. A Modern Reportage (LP Version) (2:37)
41. "Releasing tension"
42. Performing Joy (1:33)
43. "Psychologically prepared for any experience"
44. Sweet Disco Funky (3:40)
45. A woman like me"
Violence In A Women's Prison
1. Crazy Eyes (And We'll Love Again( (3:65)
Black Cobra
2. Saudade (Orchestra Only) (3:04)
3. Pelle di Luna (3:22)
Sister Emanuelle
4. Sister Emanuelle (Suite) (3:47)
Black Velvet
5. Velluto Nero M1 (Titoli) (3:10)
6. Velluto Nero M7 (3:22)
7. Velluto Nero M22 (2:42)
Emanuelle and the Porno Nights of the World
8. Relax (3:28)
9. Natural (3:25)
10. Conga Conga (3:35)
11: Luna Park (4:26)
12. El Chango (2:41)
13. Listen (3:24)
14. Mexico Border (3:58)
Porno Nights of the World N.2
15. Le Notti Porno Nel Mondo No. 1 (Seq. 1
16. Le Notti Porno Nel Mondo No.2 (Seq. 2) (4:32)
17. Evening (2:57)
18. Le Notti Porno Nel Mondo No. 2 (Seq. 7) (3:25)
19. Le Notti Porno Nel Mondo No. 2 (Seq. 9 (4:12)
20. Le Notti Porno Nel Mondo No. 2(Seq. 15) 4:08)
Amore Libero
21. Ibo Lele' (3:55)
22. Coconut (2:52)
Emanuelle in Prison
23. Opening Theme (2:06)
THE BLACK EMANUELLE BIBLE: Designed by Luke Insect with a cover illustration by Kim Thompson, this fully illustrated 356-page book is the most substantial collection of writing ever devoted to the series, with essays by Kevin John Bozelka, Costas Constandinides, Rachel Harrison, Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, Kier-La Janisse, Jennifer Moorman, Xavier Aldana Reyes, Jorge Rivera-Gutiérrez and Erin Wiegand; additional capsule reviews by Bryan Connolly and Craig Ledbetter; and archival interviews with actress Laura Gemser and screenwriter Maria Pia Fusco. (Severin Films Blu-ray Review with Screenshots) from the THE SENSUAL WORLD OF BLACK EMANUELLE Box Set